Chengdu J-7

J-7 / F-7 Airguard
A Pakistan Air Force F-7PG, a modern version of the J-7, in flight during an International training exercise held in 2009.
Role Fighter / Interceptor
Manufacturer Chengdu Aircraft Corporation/Guizhou Aircraft Industry Corporation
First flight January 1966
Status Operational
Primary users Peoples Liberation Army Air Force
Pakistan Air Force
Bangladesh Air Force
North Korean Air Force
Produced 1980s–2006
Number built 2,400+
Developed from Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21
Variants Guizhou JL-9

The Chengdu Jian-7 (Chinese: 歼-7; export versions F-7) is a People's Republic of China-built version[1] of the Soviet Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21. Though production ceased in 2008 it continues to serve, mostly as an interceptor, in several air forces, including China's.


Design and development

In the 1950s and early 1960s, the Soviet Union shared most of its conventional weapons technology with the People's Republic of China. One of these was the limited cooperation between the two countries in the early stage development of the famous MiG-21 short-range interceptor-fighter aircraft. Powered by a single engine and designed on a simple airframe, these fighters were inexpensive but fast, suiting the strategy of forming large groups of 'people's fighters' to overcome the technological advantages of Western aircraft. However, the Sino-Soviet split ended Chinese early participation in the developmental program of the MiG-21 abruptly, and from July 28 to September 1, 1960, the Soviet Union withdrew its advisers from China, resulting in the project being forced to stop in China.

However, Nikita Khrushchev suddenly wrote to Mao Zedong in February, 1962 to inform Mao that the Soviet Union was ready to transfer MiG-21 technology to China and asked the Chinese to send their representatives to the Soviet Union as soon as possible to discuss the details. The Chinese viewed this as a Soviet gesture to make peace, and were obviously suspicious, but they were extremely quick to take up on the Soviet offer for the aircraft deal. A delegation headed by Colonel General Liu Yalou (刘亚楼), the commander-in-chief of the PLAAF and a Soviet military academy graduate was dispatched to Moscow immediately and the Chinese delegation was even allowed to have three days to visit the production facility of the MiG-21, which was previously off limits to foreigners. The authorization was personally given by Nikita Khrushchev himself, and on March 30, 1962, the deal was signed. However, given the political situation and relationship between the two countries, the Chinese were not optimistic about gaining the technology and thus were prepared for reverse engineering.

Russian sources stated that complete examples of the MiG-21 were sent to China flown by Soviet pilots, and China did receive MiG-21Fs in kits along with parts and technical documents. Just as the Chinese had expected, when the Soviets delivered the kits, parts and documents to Shenyang Aircraft Factory five months after the deal was signed the Chinese discovered that the technical documents provided by the Soviets were incomplete and some of the parts could not be used. China set about to reverse engineer the aircraft for local production, and in doing so, succeeded in solving 249 major problems and came up with eight major technical documents that were not delivered. The effort was largely successful, as the Chinese design showed only minor differences from the original. In March, 1964, Shenyang Aircraft Factory began the first domestic production of the jet fighter, which they successfully achieved the next year. However, the mass production of the aircraft was severely hindered by an unexpected problem—the Cultural Revolution, which resulted in poor initial quality and slow progress, which in turn, resulted in full scale production only coming about in the 1980s, by which time the design was showing its age. However, the fighter is affordable and widely exported as the F-7, often with Western systems incorporated like the ones sold to Pakistan. Based on the expertise gained by this program, China later developed the Shenyang J-8 by utilizing the incomplete technical information of the Soviet Ye-152 developmental jet.

Operational history

Most actions carried out by the F-7 have been air-to-ground missions. In air-to-air missions, there have rarely been any encounters resulting in dogfights.



Chinese sources reported the delivery of FT-7NGs in November 2006. Namibian AF ordered 12 Chengdu F-7NMs in August 2005 . This is believed to be a variation of the F-PG acquired by Pakistan.


In early 2008, Nigeria procured 12 F-7NI fighters and three FT-7NI trainers to replace her existing stock of MiG-21 aircraft. The first batch of F-7s arrived in December 2009.[2]


Sudanese F-7Bs were used in the Sudanese Civil War against ground targets.


Tanzanian Air Force F-7As served in the Uganda–Tanzania War against Uganda and Libya in 1979. Its appearance effectively brought a halt to bombing raids by Libyan Tupolev Tu-22s.


During Zimbabwe's involvement in the DRC, six or seven F-7s were deployed to the Lubumbashi IAP and then to a similar installation near Mbuji-Mayi. From there, AFZ F-7s flew dozens of combat air patrols in the following months, attempting in vain to intercept transport aircraft used to bring supplies and troops from Rwanda and Burundi to the Congo. In late October 1998, F-7s of the No.5 Squadron were used in an offensive in east-central Congo. This began with a series of air strikes that first targeted airfields in Gbadolite, Dongo and Gmena, and then rebel and Rwandan communications and depots in the Kisangani area on November 21.[3]



The stationing of F-7As in north of the country, near the border successfully checked Yugoslav incursions into Albanian airspace.[4]

East/South-East Asia


In the mid 1990s, the PLAAF began replacing its J-7Bs with the substantially-redesigned J-7E variant. The wings of the J-7E have been changed to a unique "double delta" design offering improved aerodynamics and increased fuel capacity, and the J-7E also features a more powerful engine and improved avionics. The newest version of the J-7, the J-7G, entered service with the PLAAF in 2003.

The role of the J-7 in the People's Liberation Army is to provide local air defence and tactical air superiority. Large numbers are to be employed to deter enemy air operations.


F-7Ms were planned to use for interception. But, they are now out of service and stored as reserve aircraft as new superior fighters arrived.



Relations between Egypt and Libya deteriorated after Egypt signed a peace accord with Israel. Egyptian Air Force MiG-21s shot down Libyan MiG-23s, and F-7Bs were deployed to the Egyptian-Libyan border along with MiG-21s to fend off possible further Libyan MiG-23 incursions into Egyptian airspace.


Although not in any known combat actions, it was in several movies portraying Iraqi MiG-21s during the Iran–Iraq War. One tells the story of an Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force strike on the Iraqi nuclear reactor at Osirak on September 30, 1980. Another "Attack on H3" tells the story of the 810 km-deep raids into the Iraqi heartland against Iraqi Air Force airfields on April 4, 1981, and other movies depicting the air combat in 1981 that resulted in the downing of around 70 Iraqi aircraft. However, unconfirmed reports claimed that during the later stages of the war, these aircraft were used for air-to-ground attacks. On July 24, 2007 an Iranian F-7 crashed in northern eastern Iran. The plane crashed due to technical difficulties.[5]


F-7Bs paid for by Egypt arrived too late for the aerial combat in the early part of the Iran–Iraq War, but later participated mainly in air-to-ground sorties.

South Asia


The Bangladeshi Air Force, one of the largest F-7 operators, currently operates F-7MB Airguards, F-7MG and F-7BG/Gs interceptors. The F-7MBs will be replaced by 100 or so F-7BG fighters by 2010.[6] BAF has also upgraded all of its F-7MBs and F-7BGs to fire Chinese built LS-6 and LT-2 ground attack munitions, giving them a potent strike capability.[7][8]


Pakistan is currently the largest non-Chinese F-7 operator, with ~120 F-7P and ~60 F-7PG. The Pakistan Air Force is to replace its entire fleet of F-7 with the JF-17 multirole fighter, all F-7P are planned to be retired and replaced with JF-17 Thunder aircraft by 2015.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Air Force currently uses three F-7BS and for ground attack missions against the LTTE and three FT-7 trainer. Due to the lack of endurance and payload, SLAF some times uses their F-7s for pilot training purposes.[9]

Early 2008 the air force received six more advanced F-7Gs, these will be primarily used as interceptors. All The F-7G's, F-7BS's and FT-7s are flown by the No 5 Jet Squadron.[10]

Sri Lankan officials reported that on 9 September 2008, three Sri Lankan Air Force F-7s were scrambled after two rebel flown Zlín-143 were detected by ground radar, two were sent to bomb two rebel airstrips at Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi areas, the government claims the third intercepting one ZLin-143 resulting in one LTTE Zlín-143 shot down by the chasing F-7G using air to air missiles while the rebel flown light aircraft was returning to its base at Mullaitivu after a bombing run against Vavuniya base.[11][12] There is no public evidence for shooting down LTTE flight.


Approximately 48 variants of the J-7 exist and are listed below.

Chinese variants

(a.k.a. Type 62) The first reverse-engineered copies of the MiG-21-F-13 "Fishbed-C" by Shenyang Aircraft Factory in 1966, powered by WP-7 (a R-11F-300 copy). Only 12 were produced.[13][14]
An improved J-7 variant built by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corp (CAC) in the 1970s, it differs from the J-7 in that the fixed intake of the J-7 was replaced by a variable intake, the armament reverted to 2x 30mm cannons, a brake parachute container was added to the base of the fin under the rudder, whilst the WP-7 engine was retained. Production and service with the PLAAF and PLANAF was very limited due to design flaws, quality control issues and poor performance. In 1960s, as soon as PLAAF received PL-2 air-to-air missile, J-7Is started to attempt using PL-2 missiles to intercept USAF reconnaissance UAVs. Due to PL-2s' fuse is designed to target larger aircraft, these attempts were unsuccessful to some degree. Later J-7Is successfully shot down unknown numbers of USAF UAVs with air-to-air rockets.[15]
J-7I (modified)
One of the biggest quality flaws of the original J-7 was in its hydraulic system, namely, the leaking issue. As many as 70% of the J-7s in some PLAAF Squadrons had to be grounded due to this issue, and extensive redesign was implemented to solve this problem. The resulting J-7I (modified) had much better hydraulic systems, and although the system still could not reached the western standard of the same era, the quality was greatly improved in comparison to the earlier system it had replaced, and was considered acceptable by J-7 users.
Improved J-7I variant built in the 1970s and limited all-weather fighter with two 30mm guns and a WP-7B engine. The forward-hinged canopy jettisoned with the ejection seat of the Soviet design proved to be unsuccessful and was replaced by a rearward hinged canopy jettisoned before the ejection seat.
Improved J-7II variant in early 1980s with western avionics, such as the British Type 956 HUD, which became standard for J-7 fighters from then on.
Conversion package to upgrade domestic Chinese J-7s to F-7M:standard.
Improved J-7II variant with enhanced ground attack capability. First J-7 model to have a multi-function display, which is located to the upper right corner of the dashboard.[16] J-7IIH is the first J-7 fighter that is capable of using PL-8 air-to-air missile.[17]
Conversion package resulted from experienced gained from J-7MP:to upgrade domestic Chinese J-7 to J-7MP/F-7MP/F-7P standard.
Reverse-engineered copies of MiG-21MF "Fishbed-J," reportedly obtained from Egypt[18] by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corp. (CAC) with JL-7 fire-control radar (weight was 100 kg, maximum range is 28 km, and MTBF is 70 hours), Liyang WP-13 turbojet engine, new HUD/avionics, and improved fuel capacity. Limited production of 20-30.
The most obvious visual difference between this model and earlier models is that the smaller canopy and the small window behind it on earlier models were replaced by a larger canopy on this model, so that the small window no longer existed.
First J-7 to have 4 under-wing pylons.
Improved variant of the J-7II, developed in 1987 as a replacement for the J-7II/F-7B. A new double-delta wing, WP-13F turbojet engine, British GEC-Marconi Super Skyranger radar, increased internal fuel capacity, and improved performance. It is 45% more maneuverable than the J/F-7M, while the take-off and landing distance is reduced to 600 meters, in comparison to the 1,000 meter take-off distance and 900 meter landing distance of earlier versions of the J-7.[19] J-7E is the first of the J-7 family to incorporate HOTAS, which has since become standard on the later versions. This version is also the first of J-7 series to be later upgraded with helmet mounted sights (HMS), however, it is reported that the helmet mounted sight is not compatible with radars, and air-to-air missiles must be independently controlled by either HMS or radar, but not both.
A unarmed J-7EB variant was used by the People's Liberation Army Air Force August 1 Aerobatic Team.
J-7E derivative used by People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force with capability to carry anti-ship missiles such as C-802. However, the due to the limitation of its airborne radar, J-7EH cannot independently engage shipping targets and after the launching of the anti-ship missiles, the targeting information must be provided by other aircraft such as the Y-8X and Harbin SH-5.
Technology demonstration aircraft built by CAC, with redesigned under-chin inlet and WP-13IIS engine. First flew in 1998, only two prototypes were built before being replaced by J-7MF[20]
an improved variant of the J-7E by CAC, first flew in 2002. Equipped with a new KLJ-6E PD radar, which is reported to be SY-80 radar with SY is short for Shen Ying, meaning Celestial Eagle in Chinese. This radar a Chinese development of the Italian Pointer-2500 ranging radar used for the Q-5M, and the Italian radar itself was a development of Pointer radar, the Italian copy of Israeli Elta EL/M-2001. In comparison to the Italian Grifo series radar on Pakistani F-7s, the SY-80 weighs more at 60 kg, and the range is also shorter, at 30 km. However, the radar does have a feat that the Italian radars do not have: it is fully compatible with helmet-mounted sights (HMS) so that both the radar and HMS can be worked together to control PL-8/9 air-to-air missiles. One 30 mm gun was removed, and a more powerful engine installed.[19]
Improved ;J-7G:with more powerful radar, capable of incorporating detachable conformal tanks.
Unarmed version of the J-7G used to replace the J-7EB for the August 1st Aerobatic team.
Until the 2000s (decade), there was at least a F-7M used by Chinese as a radar and avionics test bed. Differs from other models in that there was no fixed radars and avionics due to the different equipment being tested.
Successor of the J-7FS, with rectangular under-chin inlet similar to that of the Eurofighter Typhoon, and movable canards for better aerodynamic performance. No prototypes were ever built before the project being abandoned in favor of the FC-1.
J-7E armed with GEC-Marconi Super Skyranger radar with planar slotted array and Martin-Baker ejection seat for potential customers' evaluation. Pakistan and Bangladesh evaluated the aircraft, and evolved to F-7MG.
After nearly two years use of the F-7M, Pakistani Air Force (PAF) returned the 20 F-7M aircraft to China in the late 1980s with recommendations for 24 upgrades, including replacing the original GEC-Marconi Type 226 Skyranger radar with the Italian FIAR Grifo-7 radar, and AIM-9 Sidewinder capability.
The Italian radar weighs 55 kg, had a slot antenna planar array, and had a range greater than 50 km, while the British radar only weighs 42 kg, with a parabolic antenna, but only had range of 15 km. Both radars have a mean time between failure rate of 200 hours. J-7MP:is the design specially tailored to Pakistani requirements.
Alternative to J-7MG, similar to the J-7MG except with Italian FIAR Grifo-MG radar, which further increased the sector of scan to +/- 30 degrees from the +/- 20 degrees of Grifo-Mk-II on F-7P. The Grifo-MG radar has better ECCM, look-down and shoot-down capabilities than its predecessor Grifo-Mk-II, while the weight remained the same. The number of targets can be tracked simultaneously is increased from the original 4 of the Grifo-Mk-II to a total of 8 of the Grifo-MG. Pakistan and Bangladesh evaluated the aircraft, and evolved to F-7PG.
Dual-seat J-7 trainer and Chinese equivalent of the MiG-21U Mongol-A design. Originally built by Guizhou Aircraft Design Institute and Guizhou Aircraft Company (now Guizhou Aviation Industry Group/GAIC) in 1981.[21][22]
Chinese equivalent of the Soviet MiG-21US trainer with domestic Type-II ejection seat. Only a very small number were built before converting to the JJ-7II.
JJ-7I with Rockwell Collins avionics that became standard for later J-7 models.
JL-9 (FTC-2000)
Also known as FTC-2000 Mountain Eagle (Shan Ying), new two-seat trainer derived from the JJ-7 series. Built by GAIC in 2000s (decade) as the low-cost solution to JJ-7 trainer replacement.[23]
Reconnaissance version of the J-7, Chinese equivalent of MiG-21R. In addition to the photo reconnaissance, this aircraft was the first to have the domestically developed ESM reconnaissance pod.
J-7 Drone
Unmanned J-7 remote-controlled drones mostly converted from J-7I fighters.

Export variants

In comparison to the Grifo-7, the new radar only weighs an extra 1 kg (56 kg total), but the sector of scan was increased to ±20 degrees from the original ±10 degrees of Grifo-7. The newer radar also had improved ECM and look-down and shoot-down capability, and can track 4 targets simultaneously while engage one of four target tracked.



 North Korea
 Sri Lanka



Specifications (J-7MG)

Data from Jane's All The World's Aircraft 2003–2004[36]

General characteristics




See also

Related development
Aircraft of comparable role, configuration and era


  1. ^ J7, Sino Defence, .
  2. ^ Jane's Defence Weekly; 21 January 2009, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p16-16
  3. ^ Zaire/DR Congo since 1980
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^ F-7 and its variants, Bangladesh Military Forces.
  7. ^ "F-7MB Interceptor Fighter Aircraft". bdmilitary. Retrieved 2009-03-08. 
  8. ^ "F-7BG Multirole Fighter Aircraft". bdmilitary. Retrieved 2009-03-08. 
  9. ^ The MIG27 affair - Fighter Pilots reveal what the "defence analysts" forgot to tell, Sri Lanka Ministry of Defence
  10. ^ F-7G fighters to counter tiger air threat
  11. ^
  12. ^
  13. ^ "Jian-7 Interceptor Fighter". - 25 December 2008. Retrieved 30 August 2011.
  14. ^ Gordon and Komissarov 2008, pp. 48–49.
  15. ^ "J-7I Fighter Intercept USAF UAVs". - 2 Sep 2011.
  16. ^ [1] Archived May 7, 2006 at the Wayback Machine
  17. ^ "J-7IIH and PL-8 air-to-air missile". Retrieved 15 Aug 2011. 
  18. ^ a b J-7C/D All-Weather Fighter -
  19. ^ a b J-7E, J-7G, F-7MG -
  20. ^ J-7FS Technology Demonstration Aircraft - Archived May 10, 2006 at the Wayback Machine
  21. ^ a b J-7 (Jianjiji-7 Fighter aircraft 7) / F-7
  22. ^ JJ-7 (FT-7) Fighter-Trainer -
  23. ^ Chinese Defence Today - JL-9 (FTC-2000) Advanced Trainer
  24. ^ Doubts Cast on Supposed Zimbabwean Fighter Order from China (November 2004)
  25. ^ a b c d e f g Adam Baddeley (February 2011). "The AMR Regional Air Force Directory 2011". Asian Military Review. Retrieved 19 July 2011. 
  26. ^ Hacket 2010, p. 250
  27. ^ Flight International 14–20 December 2010, p. 40.
  28. ^ Flight International 14–20 December 2010, p. 43.
  29. ^ Flight International 14–20 December 2010, p. 44.
  30. ^ Flight International 14–20 December 2010, p. 47.
  31. ^ Flight International 14–20 December 2010, p. 48.
  32. ^ Flight International 14–20 December 2010, p. 53.
  33. ^ Historical Listings
  34. ^ World Air Forces
  35. ^ YouTube - MiG-21F-13/F-7A Albanian, Rinas AFB
  36. ^ Jackson 2003, pp. 75–76.
  37. ^

External links